Sunday, July 13, 2008

Iverson Family & Oyumino Church on TV

This is a show that was aired two months ago on a secular channel here in Japan. Lifelines is targeting non-Christian Japanese and seeks to introduce the gospel and church in simple, fun ways. It's 20 minutes long and most of it is in Japanese.

During one part Dan talks about the "4 Fs" which are quoted in the following brief summary:

#1 F: Fun- God made us to enjoy Him forever. Talked about "TRUE fun and joy" which included real relationships, crying together as well as laughingtogether, etc. Lots of the film is our family having fun together. Also shows our church gospel music group (gospel music is a craze in Japan right now), our church kids dance group, kids "after school program" for
neighborhood kids, etc. When it shows Carol in the kitchen with daughters and daughters/wives of sons, her cute expression is saying how much fun it is to have them in Japan cooking together.
#2 F: Family- The importance of Family, and that church is like a family too. Good stuff about couples loving and forgiving each other for the sake of their kids (our adult kids sharing about that), about confessing and owning up to our sin and failure in our families, and how church needs to be the same kind of family. I share that my dad taught me: "you love your kids?
#3 F: Fujuubun (inadequate)- That we are all weak, needy, fail, in every relationship, and before the true and living God. That in Japan the pursuit of perfection and perfectionism may be great for building cars, but it is terrible for husband wife relationships, raising kids, etc, for we are all "fujuubun". More than that, we are all sinners. Before God... very needy, really. Then, Danny and Joel singing Danny's version of "Spirit of the Living God, Fall fresh on me." They used this in the program to say in the Japanese writing that we who are
inadequate need outside help, from God.
#4 F: Fukuin (gospel, good news)- Sharing that the gospel is for inadequate people, us, sinners.
In Christ's gospel, our sins are forgiven, AND God helps us to grow.

1 comment:

Bart said...

Amazing! This was great fun to watch, and very encouraging.
Bart and Judy